There are two classifications of FEF Schools – Affiliated and Certified. Schools wishing to align with FEF must follow the steps as outlined below.
All new schools must be affiliated for a minimum of two (2) years.
A. Affiliated Status
Affiliation is the first step in becoming an FEF school; a school using school letterhead, must write a letter of intent and interest which will be reviewed at the next Executive Committee meeting for approval.
The letter should include the following:
- A faculty member from the school must be identified as the Key Contact and counselor for their students.
- The school needs to demonstrate positive accomplishments in the areas of student enrollment, curriculum and facilities and student placement in the metal casting industry.
- A list of an Industrial Advisory Committee made up of several local FEF contributing companies will be started to advise the school with curriculum strategy for metal casting, provide industry speakers as well as summer, co-op and full-time employment for FEF students.
New affiliated schools will be visited within one year from their initial letter of intent by the Executive Director and other interested FEF Board members.
Once approved as an Affiliated School:
- A letter or email of continued interest must then be written each succeeding school year and be received in the FEF Office no later than April 1, each year. Reminders will be sent, but it is the responsibility of the school to respond.
- The continuation of the affiliated program depends upon the school's interest and response. This includes such things as attending the CIC, registering students, and making contacts with the FEF office with renewal letter of intent each year, or it may be dropped. With these conditions met the school can remain affiliated indefinitely or after a minimum two year period may apply for certification.
- Students may register on-line and be listed for company job searches, etc.
- Affiliated schools will not receive any direct Board allocated funding, but students may apply for any of the scholarships listed on the FEF website for which they feel they may qualify.
- One Key Contact and one qualified student delegate may be sent to the annual College Industry Conference depending on current financial conditions of the CIC. Transportation to and from the CIC will be covered by the college/university. The CIC registration fee will be waived, as well as hotel charges for two nights. The student delegate's expenses (hotel & meals) at the CIC will be paid by FEF. FEF will make the hotel reservations for both the school contact and the student delegate. The Key Contact (or other recognized school official) must attend with their delegate. Student delegates will have all of the benefits (such as scholarship opportunities) and will be required to follow all of the rules and guidelines for student delegates.
B. Certified Status
A school desiring to be considered as an FEF Certified school must first go through the process of affiliation. The school must submit a formal request to the Executive Director of the FEF. Such request shall be on official school stationery and shall be signed by the Dean of Engineering (or equivalent).
The petition letter shall include the following:
- Reaffirming the department that contains metal casting that will serve as the focus of the FEF program.
- The recognized professor who shall be designated the "key professor" and who will administer the program for the school.
- The expected future enrollment of metal casting oriented students (anticipated growth of the program).
- A description of present courses in the curriculum that are metal casting oriented plus contemplated additions or improvements to the curriculum.
- A description of laboratory facilities that are devoted to metal casting.
- The FEF Regional Chair and local Director(s) shall reinforce the school's petition with letters of endorsement, directed to the Executive Director. These letters shall contain the names of firms or individuals who actively contribute to FEF. These firms/individuals will be the nucleus of the Industrial Advisory Committee, essential for any school.
- The Executive Committee will appraise whether admission of the school will maintain a general balance of geographic and financial support for the region along with other certified schools.
Final Approval Process
- Following receipt of the petition and the letters of endorsement, the Executive Director and at least one Board Member from the school's region shall visit the school to discuss the program with the Dean of Engineering, the key professor, and other school officials, to determine their interest in becoming an FEF certified school.
- At the meeting of the FEF Executive Committee following the visit, the Executive Director shall present the Committee's findings and make a recommendation. An affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee shall be required to admit the petitioning school as a certified school. The Executive Committee will indicate when the school will have to go through a formal certification visit and how much the new school shall be allotted funds for the first school year.
Summary: FEF Certified schools that either do not pass succeeding certification visits, or are dropped by the FEF Board of Directors, will have the option to become an affiliated school if they submit the letter of intent and follow the guidelines as listed for affiliated schools.
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