Click on the link below to access specific areas and information
- Lab activities/experiments
- Safety requirements and how to use equipment
- Showcase casting and FEF school programs
- Spotlight on the Modern Metalcasting Industry
- Where to get supplies
- List of supplies by region
- Mini-foundry set-up - list of components, where to buy, cost, etc.
- List of FEF schools and Key Professors - "contacts in your region"
- Suppliers
- Foundries
- OEM's
Careers in Metalcasting
- Is There an Engineer Inside You?
- Why Teach Metalcasting?
- Others
- List of companies throughout the U.S. - defining how wide-reaching our industry is
- Define those who are willing to work with high schools in their areas
- FEF Q&A for students/parents
- FEF promotional materials
- AFS Melting Point Magazine (for young people)