Scholarships Presented
AFS Detroit Windsor Scholarship honoring George Booth
(presented alternating years)
List of recipients
AFS Saginaw Valley Scholarship List of recipients
AFS Southwestern Ohio Scholarship List of recipients
AFS Texas/Dr. Robert Habingreither Scholarship List of recipients
Thomas Begel Scholarship List of recipients
Ron & Glenn Birtwistle Memorial Scholarships
(2 presented each year)
List of recipients
Donald Brunner Scholarship
(funded by Waupaca Foundry)
List of recipients
Paul Carey Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
Clifford Chier Scholarship
(funded by Badger Mining Corp.)
List of recipients
CIC Special Scholarship List of recipients 
William E. Conway Scholarship
(funded by Fairmount Minerals)
List of recipients
John Deere Scholarship List of recipients
Tony & Elda Dorfmueller Scholarship
(funded, in part, by ASK Chemicals)
List of recipients
Richard Frazier Scholarship List of recipients
William M. Grimes Scholarship
(funded by Gartland Foundry)
List of recipients
George Isaac Scholarship List of recipients
Burleigh Jacobs Scholarship
(funded, in part, by Grede Foundries)
List of recipients
James P. & Katherine Keating Scholarship List of recipients
Ernest Knapp Scholarship List of recipients 
Norman P. Lillybeck Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
Loper Award List of recipients
Magma Scholarship honoring John Svoboda List of recipients
Charles Marshall Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
Keith Millis Scholarship List of recipients
Modern Casting Partners Scholarship List of recipients
Dr. Katherine E. Mortimer Scholarship for Women in Metal Casting List of recipients
Chester V. Nass Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
NFFS Scholarship (Non-Ferrous Founders) List of recipients
Robert W. Reesman Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
Ron Ruddle Scholarship List of recipients
Bill Sorensen Scholarship List of recipients
Linda Steele Scholarship List of recipients
Gary Thoe Scholarship
(funded by Waupaca Foundry)
List of recipients
TMB Industries Scholarship List of recipients
B. Lee & Carol Tuttle Scholarship List of recipients
Ray Witt Memorial Scholarship List of recipients
Robert V. Wolf Memorial Scholarship List of recipients