Guidelines for
FEF Industrial Advisory Committees
Revised 9/7/12
Purpose of Committee:
To provide direction, focus, and necessary resources to assist the FEF Key Professor and the University with their affiliation with the Foundry Educational Foundation.
Make-up of Committee:
Local Foundry men and women. Consideration should be given to balance the committee between Foundries and Suppliers. The size of the committee should be between six and ten people. The local FEF Board Member should be on this committee, but others do not have to be on FEF's Board to participate. Former FEF students in industry serving on the committee is ideal, and companies should be active contributors to FEF. Committee members should be active in their local AFS or similar chapter meetings.
Duties of the Committee: (suggested, but not limited to)
- Provide encouragement and industry support to the Key Professor.
- Make sure there is a smooth transition when a Key Professor leaves or retires. The Department should have a plan of action for a Foundry Professor replacement.
- Be a conduit for supplies, speakers, and plant tours.
- Assist the University's Cast Metals program in securing new and/or rebuilt laboratory equipment to enhance the program's capabilities.
- Provide jobs for students, including summer, co-op, and permanent employment opportunities.
- Provide curriculum guidance to the school on what is needed in our industry once a student graduates. This would include direction and focus on existing cast metal courses as well as development of additional cast metals curriculum.
- Make sure FEF scholarships receive recognition when they are presented to students, AFS Chapter meetings, school assemblies, etc.
- Provide representation to the FEF Certifiation visit held once every three-six years.
- Suggest and provide alternative funding for special projects when FEF funds are not enough to cover discretionary, CIC travel, etc.
Other Suggestions:
- Assist the Key Professor with the importance of providing timely information to FEF such as Student Placement.
- Keep upper level administration aware of the importance of Metal Casting and informed on the benefits of being an FEF school.
- Invite Department Heads, Deans, other Professors to local Chapter meetings, College Industry Conference, by offering to pay their registration fee, etc.
- Certain members of the Industrial Advisory Committee should also try to serve on other advisory committees at the University.
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