Purpose of this Grant Program
With the support of a generous donor, FEF has created a fund to assist AFS Student Chapters in their efforts to increase interest in the field of metalcasting at FEF supported institutions. AFS is partnering with FEF on evaluating requests, coordination of student chapter officers and their advisor, and promotion of this fund.
In addition to submitting this application form, at the end of the project, you must also email to FEF a 1-2 paragraph report explaining what was done, the results, and what the funds were spent on.
Summary Statement
What is the project and who is doing it.
Statement of Need
Explain the issue you are addressing; why it matters.
Project Activity
What and how of the project; overview of activities; indicate any collaborations.
State one or two outcomes or goals that will be achieved.
Timeframe of Project
When do you expect to start this project and how long do you expect it to last.
General description of project funding needs.
Following the completion of the project, please submit a 1-2 paragraph report defining what was done, the results, and how the funds were used - nick@fefinc.org