Y.B., Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I was benefited by the FEF scholarship, so I am very happy and very grateful to be given that type of opportunity to the foundry students which serves as motivation and helps to obtain some things that we need. I will use the money to process my VISA and thus will be able to have the opportunity to go to later events imparted by the FEF, since I have not been able to attend due to lack of paperwork. I may also buy my own safety shoes for the industrial visits and the practices that are realized within the laboratories.
Again, thank you very much. I hope to attend coming FEF events, and thank you for always keeping in touch with our key professor since he also keeps us up to date with news. Being a foundry engineer is more than a profession, it's a lifestyle.
A.J., Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I would like to express my gratitude for receiving a scholarship. I appreciate the great opportunity that you give me to achieve my goals and continue my academic preparation. Thank you so much for the financial support by FEF which will help to cover the expenses to finish Materials Engineering and obtain my degree. It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to continue growing personally and professionally.
E.B. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
This is written with all the joy and the gratitude to the FEF you are giving me the opportunity to make a lot of things and to keep innovaing in the fondry industry with the scholarship I have been given. I am in the process of obtaining my American VISA. I am going to finish my English course and pay the enrollment of the semester August-December. Also I will buy industrial shoes. Thank you very much.
S.H. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I want to thank you and all the contributors for giving me the opporrtunity to be a beneficiary of the FEF scholarship program. When I heard the news that I was selected, I felt very happy and grateful. With this money, I can help my parents with my school fees and this makes things much easier for me in school and with my studies.
I'm very excited for all the opportunities and knowledge that I can have working together with FEF. I would like to take some more, like an internship so I can grow in a professional manner and be able to learn more about the foundry industry. Again, thank you.
S.M. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I am one of the recipients of an FEF 2018 scholarship. I wanted to thank you for the scholarship. I will use the money to get my papers, VISA and passport as well as paying for my English courses - thank you very much!
A.D. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I would like to express my gratitude for having received an FEF 2018 scholarship. It is an honor for me to have this great opportunity. When I began my career, I never thought I could count on support of this magnitude to coninue studying and enriching my knowledge. Thank you very much for the suppoort you have given to my classmates and me.
D.G. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I am one of the fourteen Saltillo students who were recently given a scholarship. I want to express my gratitude for the scholarship - it is a magnificent proof that hard work has its benefits. And it motivates students to continue with studies and specifically with foundry, since it will be our responsibility in the future to continue innovating and reinventing the world of foundry.
I have considered using the money for a new laptop so I can work faster and easier at school. There is also the chance of going to an American university this summer to be part of a research program. This scholarship will be a really big help for me since it will cover additional expenses that are not considered in the research program. Thank you again for your support.
F.G. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I am sincerely honored to have been selected to obtain an FEF 2018 scholarship. Thank you for supporting the students in this way. This scholarship is very beneficial to me because I will be able to continue reinforcing my second langguage and also for necessary material for my studies to continue preparing myself to be a competent professional.
E.L. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I would like to say Thank You for the economic stimulus and the recognition that I got a few days ago related to the 2018 FEF schoalrship. This stimulus is very important to me because it opens new opportunities for the next step in my life for my professional residences and career.
With this money, I will be able to pay my Passport and my VISA, and as a result travel to the US to find residences or to a Spain enterprise where I already have a work invitation. Additional to this, I can cover some expenses like food, transportation and school needs because I'm not in my hometown.
I would also like to share that I'm a member and the current president of the AFS chapter at Tecnologico de Saltillo. We all are ready to help with the improvement of foundry processes and related innovations.
E.F. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I was benefitted with an FEF scholarship last week. I want to thank FEF for this opportunity, and I also want to say that I am going to approach this opportunity to grow in the metal casting world. First of all, I want to get my papers (passport and visa) because I really would like to go to the next CIC and improve my skills and experiences in the casting field. Also, I would like to participate in a summer here in Mexico and if I have the possibility of going to the US.
Thanks for all that FEF does and trust that here in Mexico, we are doing all we can to improve this beautiful industry.
C.G. - Inst Tec de Saltillo - April 2018
I would like to express my thanks for the scholarshp that was received and which will help me to invest in my education in the future. I am very grateful to you. I hope that Foundry Educational Foundation continues to support young students in this way.