X.K. - Michigan Tech - June 2020
Thank you for selecting me as a 2020/2021 FEF scholar at Michigan Tech. This gift will allow me to continue my goals of education and pursue my dreams in Materials Science & Engineer. I look forward to future connections with FEF.
E.Q. - Michigan Tech - April 2020
I would first like to sincerely thank you for this award, it means a lot to me and it will surely stretch a long way. Your generosity will be put towards online class fees for my summer semester as well as a library of textbooks. I would also like to acknowledge this program in general. I think the resources and network you provide to students like me is wondersul. I feel so blessed to be in a field of study with supportive people such as yourself.
As I continue my education at Michigan Tech, I look forward to ongoing participation with your program as well as the foundry industry in general.