FEF Funded AFS Student Chapter Grant
With the support of a generous donor, FEF has created a fund to assist AFS Student Chapters to help further their efforts to increase interest in the field of metalcasting at FEF-supported institutions.
Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF) will accept grant requests of up to $2,000 per AFS Student Chapter per school year to help advance their role as brand ambassadors of metalcasting for young minds.
Funds would be utilized by the chapter in any of the following three critical areas:
- Recruitment into membership of Student Chapters (and/or umbrella organizations, like Materials Advantage)
- Open houses, foundry day/night, open pours, special events related to metalcasting
- Specific recruitment events and other one-of-a-kind opportunities
- Focus toward increasing freshman and sophomore involvement through retention activities and projects.
- Competitions that are part of AFS events, special-projects related to castings, small equipment costs (not including senior design projects)
- Travel for foundry tours, attendance at key industry/educational events
- Outreach
- Camps, middle/high school demos, etc.
- Specialized outreach
Metalcasting is one of manufacturing’s most important industries with $40 billion in sales and over 200,000 jobs. This focus is on sustaining and growing the continual need for technically trained postsecondary students who study in engineering and technology programs with a “foundry-based” curriculum to achieve a career in manufacturing.
The Foundry Educational Foundation (FEF) is the metalcasting industry’s educational program at the college level. FEF’s commitment to reinforcing unique partnerships among students, educators, and industry has been ongoing since 1947. FEF is the only organization whose mission is directly defined as providing resources to develop the talent to support the success of the metalcasting industry.
- One page document to apply for a grant - click here
- 1 – 2 paragraph report, submitted after project ends, to explain what was done, the results, and what the funds were spent on
- Email the report to nick@fefinc.org