Additional Information

Hotel Reservations

Reservations must be made individually with the Westin Michigan Avenue in Chicago (identify yourself as an FEF Conference attendee), before October 29 (5pm central time), to be guaranteed our group rate (or until the FEF block is full). The number for the Westin Hotel is (800) 228-9290 OR  (312) 943-7200, ask for room reservations OR click here.

Conference Registration

Registration is accepted on a first-come first-served basis. EARLY registration and hotel reservations are encouraged to insure a place.

Refund Policy

Registration is complete and guaranteed upon receipt of your registration form. Because of our commitment to the hotel for meals and to students for travel, the FEF cannot refund fees after Friday, October 25, 2024.

CIC Partnerships

We have several partnership opportunities available for this year's conference. If you would like to participate in this way, please click here. We appreciate all of the companies and individuals who have participated in the past and look forward to great participation in 2024.